Randy Skeete


Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts...It is the privilege and duty of everyone to take Him at His word, to believe in Jesus as his personal SavIor and to respond eagerly and immediately to the gracious propositions He makes. MS 3, 1895

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ABOUT-- Randy Skeete

Randy Skeete, a graduate of the Andrews University Theological Seminary and a powerful preacher of the Word, has memorized large portions of Scripture and is known for his soul-searching presentations. After his position as Counselor/Director of Medical School Programs at the University of Michigan, he served in the Campus Ministries Department of the Michigan Conference and also as associate speaker for American Christian Ministries. Randy is now fully self-supporting in his ministry, and is currently an international evangelist with most of his work done in Africa and Southeast Asia.


1. How to Find Peace

2. Only This and Nothing More

3. Crime and Punishment

4. He Will Do It Again

5. Does God Have Rights

6. Our Divine Example

7. The Enemy Within

8. The Long Arm of the Law

9, He is Despised and Rejected

10, Invitation Begins Within

11. Medication Without Prescrption

12. Who is that God?

13. Asleep in the Pews

14. The Total Package

15. Obedience to God’s Law

16. The Source of Goodness

17. Rewriting Histoy

18. Seen and Unseen

19. Where Are You From?

20. That Is What We Do

21. Members of the Jury

22. Safe But Not Secure

23. Partners in Crime

24. Something for Nothing

25. Final Call

26. Unfinished Business

DATE ADDED: November 23, 2021 TOPICS: No SKU: RS-45L
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