Sebastien Braxton


In the final analysis, nothing has lasting value only as man commits all in answer to God's purpose for life and living. Learn what is essential to make life worthwhile else "all is vanity, emptiness, falsity and vain glory."

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ABOUT-- Sebastien Braxton

Sebastien Braxton, speaker, trainer, seminar presenter, consultant and is one of the co-founders of Luminate, and is a user experience designer and consultant based in North Carolina. He is also an associate speaker for American Christian Ministries and is known for his radical, motivational, and deeply spiritual presentations with a calling to higher ground in Christian commitment and service for all generations in these times.


1. Yes, Lord
Arise and go to the Potter’s house, was the word of the Lord to Jeremiah.  Learn how the Lord wants us to be clay in His hands to mold and fashion with His purpose and plan.  Discover the true meaning of being reborn in this presentation.

2. I Want It To Matter That I Live
While on this earth, Jesus wanted the world to be a better place for having lived here by His selfless service for others.  Learn how being reborn provides purpose and a new meaning for life.

3. Born Blind
“One thing I know, whereas I was blind, now I see” is the word of my testimony.

DATE ADDED: March 06, 2018 TOPICS: No SKU: SBR-13L
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