Mark Finley


What is your focus? What absorbs your thinking? Is your mind crisis-oriented on "dark clouds" and calamities? Or is it on what God's power will do in and through you in your witness for Him in these last days? He promises that "Prayer and faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish." MH 509

You will be inspired as Pastor Finley shares many moving stories from his personal soul-winning experiences. Consider the three simple steps to be a successful witness, and learn what you can do to cooperate with God to experience the thrill of making friends for God. Discover how to make a difference in someone's life through intercessory prayer. You will also be challenged to discover God's personal drama of destiny for you--that there is a soul you can reach that possibly no one else could touch or win for Him.

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ABOUT-- Mark Finley

Former Director of "It Is Written" television program. A noted worldwide evangelist, he is also the former Director of Evangelism at the General Conference of SDA. He is currently serving in an advisory capacity for the General Conference President.


Part I:
How to claim the power found in His promises and learn what God has done, and wants to do. Consider favorite promises that Pastor Finley shares in this series along with many moving stories from his personal soul-winning experiences. Discover the three simple steps to be a successful witness, and learn what you can do to cooperate with God to experience the thrill of the results.

Part II:
Why and how biblical intercessory prayer works. If God is doing all He can for someone, you might ask the question “what difference do our prayers make”? What are the lessons to learn from the steps of intercessory prayer found in Daniel 10? Discover how the Prince of this world was a factor in the answer to Daniel’s prayer and discover some of the “ground rules” in the great controversy. This is a fascinating study!

Part III:

When all successful witnessing begins.   It is when you are on your knees in behalf of the sinner that something happens, because you have prayed. The three simple steps begin with praying, and continue with caring and sharing. Learn the principles of caring and sharing and how to earn the right to be heard. Discover the “green light, red light, and yellow light” principle for successful witnessing. Then prepare to meet the challenge of “Making a Friend for Jesus”–a friend with whom you can spend eternity.

DATE ADDED: October 27, 2016 TOPICS: End Times, Witnessing SKU: MF-13L
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