David Shin


This dynamic presentation is a beacon illuminating the profound significance of prayer in igniting revival and leaving an indelible mark on the world. With the spotlight on luminaries such as John Wesley, whose fervent prayers sparked a flame that ignited hearts across nations, and the seismic shifts of the Reformation, prayer emerges as the cornerstone of transformative change. Travel the globe alongside visionary figures like Hudson Taylor, whose unwavering devotion reshaped the landscape of missions, and experience the breathtaking tapestry of the Great Revival of 1904, where prayer became the very heartbeat of a nation. Learn how prayer is not just a mere ritual, but the catalyst for propelling God's kingdom forward and heralding the imminent second coming of Jesus. 

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ABOUT-- David Shin

David Shin, PhD, a graduate of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, and the former President of Ouachita Hills College in Arkansas is currently a Professor of Religion at Weimar University in California. He has also pastored in Lansing, Michigan, and Anchorage, Alaska. His love for sharing the gospel is shown through his practical insights into biblical beliefs and principles through his practical insights that are essential for the times in which we live.



💡 Prayer is a powerful tool in achieving revival and making an impact in the world. Throughout history, revivals have been linked to individuals who had a radical prayer life and sought God’s presence and guidance.

💡 The examples of John Wesley, the Reformation, Hudson Taylor, and the Great Revival of 1904 demonstrate the transformative power of prayer in individuals and communities. These individuals dedicated themselves to prayer, leading to significant changes in society and the lives of thousands.

💡 Prayer is not just a ritual or religious duty; it is a personal connection with God. It is through prayer that individuals can experience the presence of God, receive His guidance, and be filled with His power to carry out His purposes.

💡 Prayer is a form of consent and authorization for God to work in our lives and in the world. When we pray, we give God permission to move and intervene in ways that align with His will and bring about His kingdom on Earth.

💡 Prayer is not limited by time or location. It is a constant communication with God that can happen at any moment and in any place. It is not about the quantity of time spent in prayer but the quality of connection and surrender to God.

💡 Revival and spiritual impact start with personal surrender and repentance. It is only when individuals are willing to lay everything on the altar, seek repentance, and surrender to God’s will that true transformation can occur in their lives and in the world around them.

💡 The call to prayer and revival is not limited to a specific time or place. God is inviting each individual to be a part of His work in bringing about revival and reformation. It starts with a willingness to be used by God and a desire to see His kingdom come on Earth.

DATE ADDED: June 12, 2024 TOPICS: Prayer SKU: DS-165L
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