We continue to be fed by the many messages provided by ACM. We pray that your ministry will continue to do the Lord's work. May the Lord richly bless you for all your efforts.
Submitted by: R&M - PA
“My husband and I are thrilled to learn and grow from this marvelous evangelist, Emilio Knechtle. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful way to grow closer to our Lord Jesus through your ministry of recorded presentations by him.”
Submitted by: JV from CA
"Three years ago I purchased the Breath of Life Crusade Volumes along with the Questions and Answers by C. D. Brooks. I also purchased the entire series of sermons by J. Reynolds Hoffman. With very careful study and diligent notetaking, I digested the messages, read my Bible, and compared everything. Then I found a church in my community, gave my heart to Jesus, and was baptized. Now, by the Grace of God, I am teaching a Sabbath School class once a month and also preach on occasion. I truly believe that I would not be where I am today in my relationship with God if it hadn't been for those recordings. I recognize that the Holy Spirit does the convicting, but I cannot help but express my appreciation for these two speakers and American Cassette Ministries. I often pray telling God about the impact they have had in my life. Thank you for all you do!"
Submitted by: RM from New Hampshire
"American Cassette Ministries is greatly beloved among the young people in Boston. Thank you so much for your efforts in producing great sermons over the years. Little did I know that God had wanted to open my mind and heart to seek Him deeper when someone lent me a copy of Dr. Pipim's ""Faithful Unto Death"" series. Ever since then, I have actively listened to the sermons and have faithfully lent them to fellow friends. My favorite book has been THE LAMB by Leslie Hardinge, and you can't imagine how helpful it has been to me when I have led out our college campus Bible studies this past year. Unfortunately, I cannot give my thanks to Dr. Hardinge; however, I thank you all time and time again! God bless you tremendously, EK from MA"
Submitted by: EK from Massachusetts
"I want you to know that American Cassette Ministries has made a great difference in my Christian development in the Adventist Church. This isn't much, but I am sending this financial gift to offer some support for the ministry."
Submitted by: CE from North Carolina
What a wonderful ministry you have! I praise the Lord for you all the time! If it weren't for your ministry, my husband would still be out of the church.
Submitted by: CK from Carolina
"As a theology student preparing for pastoral ministry in today's pluralistic and accommodating religious atmosphere, Dr. Hardinge's single-mindedness, clarity and faithfulness to the Word of God has been a blessing. He has given me a love for the deep things of God and has influenced me to become a pastor/teacher of the highest caliber. I pay about $20,000 a year for college, but the knowledge I have acquired through American Cassette ""University"" is priceless. May God keep His hand upon ACM that you will maintain the integrity of the Three Angels' Messages that we have been called to proclaim.
Submitted by: KS from Tennessee
I am a member of the remnant for as long as I can remember; but for the first time through the Breath of Life recordings from American Cassette Ministries, I have realized how I did not understand everything. I can't stop singing "Amazing Grace . . . I was blind but now I see." Through the messages by C.D. Brooks, I listened to God speak! By His Grace, I heard! For the first time in my life I have experienced the changing power of Jesus, and I want to go all the way to trust and obey Him. But isn't there somebody else who needs to be freed from the captivity of the prince of darkness just as I have been by the "light" coming through the preaching of His Word? This Word must be preached as a testimony to all nations! I, therefore, pledge support for American Cassette Ministries to continue providing Spirit-led preaching for God's Remnant. I want to support this preaching of the Gospel by monthly contributions.
Submitted by: EM from England
"Just want to thank you so much for the work you are doing! It's wonderful! God has been speaking to me through the speakers you record. Please allow me to tell you a brief story of just one of the ways God has used your ministry. I have been asking God to show me how, what, and who to pray for. I wanted to know how to pray. Now I know. I have been praying diligently for years for my husband to start praying. He just won't take the time. He's such a good man, but he doesn't seem to want to pray at all. I had listened to recordings by Carol Zarska on the Sanctuary Prayer and had started praying ""through the sanctuary."" It has revolutionized not only my prayer life, but my whole life, too. I had only been praying this way for a few days. While listening to the recordings again, I didn't realize he was listening in the next room. I had other things to do and had stopped listening. He came in and wanted to know what they were. He continued to listen to them and sat up late that night listening to them again. He just couldn't get enough! Two mornings later he was up 30 minutes early and prayed for half an hour! That was only yesterday. I am praying that God will continue His work in both of us. I know that God is getting His people ready to live in heaven, and I look forwrd to getting to know you there!"
Submitted by: MJ
We just want to take a moment to thank American Cassette Ministries for the wonderful sermon recordings you provide. In 1997, my wife and I began attending the SDA church. Our spiritual growth has not only come from the church, but perhaps the greater portion has come from listening to recorded sermons provided by American Cassette Ministries. We believe that these sermons can help us to continually influx the good and not give Satan an opportunity to put in the evil. Now, by God's transforming power, we have been involved in the literature ministry. Thanks again and may God bless you!
Submitted by: L & LJ
I am so thankful to God that I have been able to turn to American Cassette Ministries for truly spiritual food. For many years ACM has been a great blessing for myself and my wife. I praise God for the Christ-centered speakers who through their doctrinally pure messages bring the much needed insight, encouragement, and stability so needed in this time of modern trends in the Church. I am enclosing a contribution to help in furthering your ministry. May God continue to bless and uphold you as you continue serving Him.
Submitted by: CJH from New York
"God certainly knows what we have need of. In the fight to speak out against the attacks of the enemy as it relates to secular-type music and 'Christian' dancing in worship, I have often felt like the lone ranger. Perhaps more like the female Elijah. The messages contained in your 30th anniversary CDs revived my faith. No, I am not 'old fashioned', 'too strict' or 'out of touch with young people'. I am a woman in joyful anticipation of the return of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Give me that old time religion. It's good enough for me! Be blessed. I am ordering 10 copies of the 30th anniversary cds. Please pray that the Lord will use these messages to awaken us out of our 'death sleep.' I sincerely believe that His coming is much nearer that the 'church' thinks.
Submitted by: Sheila P. Davis, PhD, R.N., Professor - The University of Mississippi Medical Center and First Elder of my church
When I began to shift my concerns to eternal issues and began to read and study for myself, the resources from ACM matched my Bible and the EGW books even though sometimes my local churches, pastors, member friends, and even family members sometimes drifted from the established pillars. The very systematic theology and the continuity of principle reflected in ACM's choice of speakers have been a blessing to me, and reflects the careful study that's been done by ACM leadership. God has used you in a mighty way, and it will be wonderful someday soon to see how many people will trace their salvation to the bright light that's been shown on truth by all these resources. Thank you very much for what you do. You all remain in my prayers.
Submitted by: JF from California
Thanks to the Spirit-filled messages of ACM, the Holy Spirit is igniting a flame in Mississippi that is sure to result in souls saved in His kingdom. I purchased over ten copies of the 30th anniversary CDs and distributed them to my pastor, all the elders, my adult children and several people that I was impressed to give to. On Sabbath, one of the recipients shared how she had given a copy of the CD, I Want My Church Back, to a Pentecostal minister friend. He (the Pentecostal minister) was so impressed that he asked permission to send the message to his other Pentecostal pastors! We don't know exactly how God will use this ministy, but I am confident that His word will not return to him void! Further, I am convicted that each week, some portion of the message should be devoted to reminding saints of the nearness of Christ's coming. Satan is trying with all his might to become the oject of worship in so many of OUR churches through the 'spirtual' dancing, Hip- Hop worship and praise songs, adornment of jewelry, and overall nonimalism as it relates to spiritual things. There are times when one can be tempted to think that one's views are skewed, but solid messages like those endorsed and distributed by ACM, helps to restore one's courage. Please pray for me as I minister in and for my church and those for whom the Lord would have me minister to.
Submitted by: Sheila!
"After studying and searching for a church that truly followed the Bible, we were baptized into the SDA church in 1956. Through the years we have seen a gradual decline in standards, morals, and preaching of the old landmarks. We have so much appreciated American Christian Ministries--it has truly been a God-send to us. May God continue to bless you in this greatly needed work. "
Submitted by: C & J from New York
I became an Adventist in 1998 close to ACM headquarters in PA. Providentially, it was the greatest place to get a "crash course" in true Adventism. I went from being your average atheist to SDA warrior in record time thanks to recordings from Leslie Hardinge, Samuel Pipim, Ron Du Preez, Dane Griffin, JR Hoffman, Raymond Holmes, G Edward Reid, Randy Skeete, Lewis Walton, and a host of others! Along with Adventist Affirm, this has been my source of real truth and spiritual nourishment. Thanks Al, for 10 years worth of recordings of real Adventist preaching!
Submitted by: Bill Wennell, Dean of Boys', Laurelbrook SDA Academy, TN
American Christian Ministries! What an amazing ministry this has become due to the blessing of the Lord when there is full commitment to Him in love through the responsive disseminating of the truth as it is in Jesus...done with great care and truly professional recording and duplication.
Submitted by: JM from TX
We are ever grateful to Al and Marion Newhart for their undaunting dedication to uplifting God's pure, undiluted truth, making it readily available in state-of-the-art media technology for "such a time as this." We searched diligently for just the right CD to share with our beloved "pioneer" father whose light had dimmed to near-extinction. It was Dr. Leslie Hardinge's message on the Celtics who kept the Sabbath which touched our Scottish-heritage father's heart at last!! What rejoicing in Heaven and on earth as his lamp once again burns brightly for Jesus. Our Lord never gives up on His children...and we must not, either. With such a wide variety of speakers, there is something at American Christian Ministries to touch every heart. Praise the Lord!
Submitted by: B&GS Pittsfield MA
We purchased a copy of The Time of the End last day events book at campmeeting, then shared it with a church elder, who stated that the Lord had already impressed him that he needed to present a Last Day Events series at our church. We have ordered another book and look forward to this 8-week presentation beginning in September at our church. Pastor James Hayward, Sr. has organized and categorized all information so nicely in his book that the reader/presenter has readily accessible fingertip references to facilitate study and presentation. We are grateful for this timely book.
Submitted by: B&GS Pittsfield MA
"Who is able to stand?" by Peter Neri--this guy is great. I was very pleased with the "new"information and the way it was presented. I had never thought or heard of "thief in the night" referring to "close of probabtion," but it makes so much more sense! It has me rereading "The Great Controversery." Why can't we have this kind of preaching and teaching in our church?
Submitted by: PK, from PA
"The insight I have gained through reading Pastor Hayward ""Times of The End"" compilation has been immeasurable. I am grateful to God who gave him the energy to tackle such an immense task. I am also equally thankful for the leadership of ACM. If I could talk to Pastor Hayward I would ask him to put in a book form his honest thoughts about the issue of ""Ellen White Credibility"". Many young SDAs are being misled by all kinds of false accusation regarding God's messenger's source of inspiration/revelation. Truly words would not be enough to express my gratitude to the Pastor and ACM. A book like this is a wonderful resource to have in times like these. "
Submitted by: JM From Michigan
I want to let you know that I really appreciate your ministry and feel that it has played a major part in my spiritual growth over the past 10 years. Through your speakers the Lord has given me strength when I needed strength, helped me to understand the deeper things of God, encouraged me to pursue a deeper relationship with my Creator, and given me conviction. I do not know where I would be spiritually right now without your ministry since we have not always been blessed with speakers or pastors with the same convictions or knowledge. So I listen to sermons everyday and sometimes I listen to the same one over and over!
Submitted by: BW from Kansas
Just a few lines of encouragement for the work you are doing. Even my 9-year old daughter has taken delight in your speakers--she loves the testimonies of Ron Halvorsen, Jan Doward, Petra Sukau, Samuel Pipim, and others. God bless you and thanks again.
Submitted by: HW from North Carolina
I want to thank American Christian Ministries, especially my sister in Christ Marion, for the work they are doing for the Lord. I have really been blessed by the DVDs of great speakers like Pastor Randy Skeete, C.D. Brooks.Now, by God's grace, I am able to read the Bible everyday, memorize scriptures. Unlike before, I can teach Sabbath School and preach in High schools occasionally.I thank Pastor Randy Skeete over and over for the work he is doing for the Lord. May God bless him and make him a blessing to many. Long live American Christian Ministries!!!! Thank you Marion for your prompt action anytime I order for the CDs.
Submitted by: CO from Kenya
"American Christian Ministries is, in my view, a stream that flows directly from the ""well of living water."" ** If it wasn't for your ministry, my husband would still be out of the church! ** ACM is changing our lives and helping us walk with Jesus. ** I can truly and honestly say these are the finest speakers I have ever heard. ** I'm looking forward to being a loyal customer for a long time. ** Keep up the good work, we need you! ** Thanks for your sacrifice to make this ministry possible. ** I believe God led me to your ministry. ** Thank you for such a life-changing ministry. ** Our lives have been challenged, enriched, and strengthened. ** Thank God you are dedicated to preserving and spreading the whole truth. ** Please know that ACM has touched a life in a way words cannot express. ** What more cost-effective way to broaden one's spiritual horizons and be engaged by some of the most probing theological thinkers extant?"
Submitted by: Listeners from Around the World
I was really encouraged, blessed, and inspired by the three-part series on worship, "What is True Worship" by Jorge Baute.
Submitted by: CT from NC
"I am so grateful to God for allowing me to ""coincidentally"" happen upon your website. I listened to Pastor Samuel Pipim's sermon on ""Post Modernism and the Emergent Church"" and received so many answers to some of the observed trends in our church today. May God continue to bless your ministry as you proclaim the unadulterated lifesaving truth so that the primitive godliness may be seen again in God's remnant people. It is so encouraging to hear sermons reminiscent of my childhood and young adult years in the SDA church in Jamaica, (West Indies) where I grew up, that are rarely heard in our churches today. With a grateful heart and renewed commitment, Thanks again. "
Submitted by: MGM, North Carolina
It has been soooo long since I have heard truly meaningful sermons in my church. Elder Neri's presentations remind me of what Adventism stands for. Thank you.
Submitted by: GW, NW Oregon
I'm a 4th Generation Adventist, back from 40 years of wandering (literally). The sermons of great SDA ministers like Dr. Leslie Hardinge, Emilio Knectle, etc. are a real priviledge to listen to again. We don't get the straight talk anymore it seems in church, so we have to rely on these great men from the past to take us through to the end. Thanks to ACM for making these available to us!
Submitted by: Ken E. - Dedicated SDA - Newberg, Oregon - Next stop...Heaven!
"Congratulations on getting the download technology set up! It really is great to get almost instant access to your material. Many thanks! "
Submitted by: CM - United Kingdom
"I have been listening to Carol Zarska's Sanctuary series, and I must say that God has really blessed her and used her to lead many to get to know Jesus well. I have copies of her CD's in my car and I listen to it on my way to work and home. She is such a blessing to me, and I pray that God will bless her more to His glory!"
Submitted by: GH- Battle Ground, WA
My husband and I are thrilled to learn and grow from this marvelous evangelist, Emilio Knechtle. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful way to grow closer to our Lord Jesus through your ministry of recorded presentations by him.
Submitted by: JV from CA
"A study and reading of Leslie Hardinge's books as well as listening to his recordings will lead you to an in-depth understanding of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. As they said about Jesus ""No man ever spoke like this man""--God bestowed a great talent on Professor Hardinge and he was faithful in using it to the glory of God. I am a loss for words as to what his studies have revealed to me from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. I thank and praise God everyday for this man's resources that are available through American Christian Ministries! "
Submitted by: LD - South Dakota
I have been listening to a series of studies on Revelation by Peter Neri. What a blessing these are to me. I have also been reading Leslie Hardinge's book on Revelation. They go hand in hand and I would recommend using them together. Thank you for providing such high quality, Bible study resources!
Submitted by: GB - Oregon
I have been so blessed by American Christian Ministries. Today, with the Bible truths being diluted, your ministry has been very faithful and dedicated to spreading the straight gospel messages. Thank you and God bless!
Submitted by: CS - PA
I am very pleased with my purchase and the quality of the recording! I was a little worried at first when I found the site, but now that I downloaded to my iPod I am very, very happy! I will tell others about it. Thank you for this wonderful ministry! Keep up the good work!
Submitted by: JG from NY
I haven't heard Emilio Knechtle's sermons for some 20 years. They just blew me away like they did 20+ years ago when they were instrumental in bringing me back to church. I'm getting these to give to some friends that have strayed from the truth.
Submitted by: GR from Colorado
Leslie Hardinge was a giant among Adventist theologians! I'm so glad ACM is keeping him alive.
Submitted by: DK from CA
"I have been truly blessed and have learned so much that I would not have known if it wasn't for ACM. God bless you for your hard work and faithfulness to our Lord and Saviour. "
Submitted by: BA from Michigan
“My husband and I are thrilled to learn and grow from this marvelous evangelist, Emilio Knechtle. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful way to grow closer to our Lord Jesus through your ministry of recorded presentations by him.”
Submitted by: JV from CA
Wish I could order everything you have to offer!! -- EG from OR
Submitted by: EG from OR
American Christian Ministries has truly changed my life. The messages that these speakers have given are just what our church needs to hear. When asked what school I go to I say, the University of ACM. If it were not for ACM I do not know where I would be. God has used this ministry to change so many peoples lives. Praise be to God for ACM! May your ministry grow, prosper and live on in the name of Jesus Christ! --Andrew From PA
Submitted by: Andrew from PA
"I SO appreciate the book,THE TIME OF THE END. It is SUCH a valuable resource. Because of the tremendous challenges / issues in our local church, we are considering purchasing a copy of this book to give to each of the Elders, our Pastor, Board Members and other leaders.
Submitted by: KD from New Mexico
I love to listen to the online sermons. They are such a blessing to me and give me God's word to follow during my day. Thank you for all you do in the service of God. You are a blessing to so many!
Submitted by: KJL - FROM CA
The "Standing Firm" series by G. Edward Reid was just what our church needed to hear! We gathered the saints together for Sabbath evening vespers and listened in rapt attention as Elder Reid delivered some of the best presentations we've heard in some time. Persecution will surely follow God's people as they faithfully deliver His end-time message to this sin-darkened world. But God will be with us as surely as He was with Daniel and his friends. Thanks for making these powerful messages available to us, and thanks for all that American Christian Ministries does for God's church!