David J. DeRose


A question asked that has more positive answers than you might expect. This series shows us how a God of love works through pain and suffering for our benefit and growth when we depend upon Him to reveal His power and His will for our lives.

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ABOUT-- David J. DeRose

David DeRose, MD, MPH, MAPMin, currently serves as pastor of the Fort Wayne First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and director of CompassHealth Consulting, Inc. In addition to pastoral training, Dr. DeRose is a certified Internal Medicine and Preventative Medicine physician including a degree in Public Health with a Health Promotion and Health Education emphasis. Known for his ability to communicate complex subjects to the lay public, Dr. DeRose has helped thousands improve their physical and spiritual health through seminars, workshops, and publications including his latest release, "The Methuselah Factor."


1. Pain and Suffering – Part I
A natural consequence of sin that brings us to Christ (to heal our separation from Him).

2. Pain and Suffering – Part II
Shows us our weakness so we draw more on Christ’s power.

3. Pain and Suffering – Part III 
Allows us to better empathize with others (e.g. Jonii Erikson’s advocacy work, etc.).

4. Pain and Suffering – Part IV
The biblical story of Abijah’s pain and suffering experience reveals the blessing of death in God’s plan.

5. Pain and Suffering – Part V
Learn from the life of Hezekiah and God’s miracle of 15 extra years given in answer to his prayer.  Discover that God, Who knows the bigger picture can be trusted for the best outcome when we are willing to accept His will.

6. Pain and Suffering – Part VI
Why is this happening to me? Learn from Scripture how God provides examples of the evidence of purification that comes from the hand of God, “For He wounds, but He binds up: He smites, but His hands heal.” Job 5:18

7. Pain and Sufferng – Part VII
Consider the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath who was suffering without a provider and under the judgment of being a widow whose response to Elijah’s request changed her life’s destiny as described in 1 Kings 17.

DATE ADDED: July 02, 2020 TOPICS: God’s Compassion/Mercy SKU: DDE-12L
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