As Protestant reformers, we Seventh-day Adventists believe and teach the biblical doctrine of separation of church and state with religious freedom to worship God according to our conscience and the dictates of the Bible and the Bible only. Who we are, where we came from, and our calling must be remembered. We are a people called to shine light upon the darkness of this world by proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages to prepare a people for the soon coming of our Lord and Savior.
ABOUT-- Peter Neri
Pastor Neri is currently Senior Pastor of the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. His passion is prayer, and he loves to teach people how to connect with Jesus in a real and personal way. As a convert to Adventism at the age of 26, he also loves to reaffirm the "pillars" and to show their validity for the day in which we are living and serves as an Associate Speaker for American Christian Ministries. Pastor Neri's family includes his lovely wife Jennie and their two sons, Roland and Samuel.