Mark Howard


"Of this name we are never to be ashamed. As a people we must take a firm stand for truth and righteousness. Thus we shall glorify God. "We are to be delivered from dangers, not ensnared and corrupted by them. That this may be, we must look ever to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith."2SM 384
1. The Spirit of Sacrifice and Commitment
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2. Gety Ready for the Judgment Day
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
3. Burn the Magical Books
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
4. Lord of the Flies and the Father of Lies
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5. Immediate Occupancy
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6. A Jar of Oil
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7. The Seal of God
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8 Where Is the God of Elijah?
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9. Finishing the Mystery
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
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ABOUT-- Mark Howard

Mark Howard is an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is the Director of the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism, a school that specializes in intensive practical soul-winning training programs for laypersons and ministers alike. He is also the pastor of the Cedar Lake Church in Cedar Lake, Michigan, where he currently lives with his wife Stephanie and their two children, Caleb and Annie. Pastor Howard, an American Christian Ministries Associate Speaker, is known for his clear, enthusiastic presentation style and for his practical, timely messages.


1. Spirit of Sacrifice and Commitment
Inspiring stories from the lives of early Adventists that marked out the course for those who would follow in their steps.

2. Get Ready for the Judgment Day
The impact of the First Angel’s Message, then and now.

3. Burn the Magical Books
How media is destroying the spirituality of God’s remnant people and preventing the Word from being effective in our lives.

4. Lord of the Flies and the Father of Lies
When King Ahaziah of Judah needed answers, he sent messengers to a god of the Philistines instead of inquiring of God’s prophet. Will we never learn?

5. An Immediate Occupancy
Success in the spiritual life depends on how much we are actually investing in it. If we don’t fill our lives with something, the devil will!

6. A Jar of Oil
The outpouring of the Spirit is the great need of the church today. Yet the Spirit’s outpouring is not for us to use Him, but for Him to use us. Find out how!

7. The Seal of God
The Third Angel’s Message presents the Sabbath as the final test for all those dwelling on the earth at the end of time, but true Sabbath-keeping is not just about when we observe the Sabbath, but how we observe it. Is your Sabbath-keeping worthy of the Seal of God?

8. The God of Elijah
Discover how to have “the faith of Jesus” that will carry God’s people through to the end.

9. Finishing the Mystery
We are living in the great antitypical Day of Atonement. Jesus has entered upon His last mediatorial work, preparing a people to stand in the day of His coming. He will finish His work. Will He finish it in you?


DATE ADDED: July 21, 2014 TOPICS: Christian Beliefs, Christian Growth, Christian Lifestyle, Doctrines, Revival/Reformation SKU: MHO-5L
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