Jorge Baute


God's Way? Your Way?

"Unless correct ideas of true worship and true reverence are impressed upon the people, there will be a growing tendency to place the sacred and eternal on a level with common things, and those professing the truth will be an offense to God and a disgrace to religion." 5T 500
1. Does It Really Matter Anyway?
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2. Remember...
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3. Worship Him!
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ABOUT-- Jorge Baute

Jorge Baute received his Masters in Religious Studies from Southern Adventist University. He is currently the pastor of Fairview Village SDA church in North Carolina and is an associate speaker for American Christian Ministries. His ministry has included serving as Bible instructor at Enterprise Academy in Kansas and at Ouachita Hills Academy in Arkansas, also as director of young adult ministries in North Carolina. Pastor Baute is known for helping to prepare others for the kingdom through his faithful witness for the Lord. He and his wife, Sue Ellen, are the parents of two children, Joshua and Sara.


1. Does It Really Matter Anyway?

Is God indifferent to how we worship? How particular is our God?

2. Remember …

Learn from the different Bible characters and their experiences of worship–can we follow taste, culture, or personal preferences? Also discover what it means to “keep” the Sabbath and to be blessed accordingly.

3. Worship Him!

Consider the special counsel that has been provided for the worshipers who come into God’s house and the church sanctuary.


DATE ADDED: February 14, 2014 TOPICS: Issues and Answers, Seventh-day Sabbath, Worship/Music SKU: JBA-1L
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