Mark Finley


Experience the profound truth of Jesus as our compassionate high priest in the heavenly sanctuary. In this sacred space, He extends his boundless love and offers his ultimate sacrifice for us. With an understanding of our weaknesses, He faced temptations just as we do, yet emerged victorious. Now, He beckons us to approach His throne with confidence, where we find not judgment, but unwavering help and grace. Embrace the invitation to encounter the tender heart of our great high priest, who intercedes for us with immeasurable compassion.

What is Jesus Doing Right Now?
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ABOUT-- Mark Finley

Former Director of "It Is Written" television program. A noted worldwide evangelist, he is also the former Director of Evangelism at the General Conference of SDA. He is currently serving in an advisory capacity for the General Conference President.




– Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross provides perfect salvation for all humanity, and His high priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary allows us to have access to God’s throne.

– Confessing our sins and coming to Jesus allows Him to present our names before God and obtain eternal redemption for us.

–  Jesus’s love and sacrifice remove our transgressions from us as far as the East is from the West, giving us peace, forgiveness, and a royal inheritance.

–  Jesus’s high priestly ministry gives us the power to overcome specific struggles in our lives, providing strength and victory.

– Coming to Jesus with our burdens, worries, and anxieties allows us to fully place them in his hands and experience His peace and comfort.

– Jesus is our assurance and confidence before God, interceding for us and making the way for our salvation.

– Following Jesus through baptism or recommitment allows us to fully walk in his grace, power, and eternal redemption.

DATE ADDED: June 04, 2024 TOPICS: Jesus/Calvary, Sanctuary Studies SKU: MF-167L
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