Mark Finley


Unlock the transformative potential of prayer as you delve into the secrets of overcoming obstacles that hinder your communication with the divine. Through riveting real-life examples and actionable advice, this video explores the profound impact of prayer, emphasizing practical strategies like establishing a dedicated prayer time and space, vocalizing prayers, drawing inspiration from the Bible, and employing the A.C.T.S. model (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication) for a more enriching prayer experience.

Discover how prayer serves as a potent weapon in the cosmic struggle between good and evil, and gain insights into its life-changing potential through captivating narratives, including the miraculous baptism in India. Learn how consistency, vocalization, scriptural meditation, and structured prayer formats can revolutionize your spiritual journey, fostering deeper connections with the divine and facilitating personal transformation.
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ABOUT-- Mark Finley

Former Director of "It Is Written" television program. A noted worldwide evangelist, he is also the former Director of Evangelism at the General Conference of SDA. He is currently serving in an advisory capacity for the General Conference President.


DATE ADDED: May 16, 2024 TOPICS: Prayer SKU: MF-166L
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