Mark Howard


The work of character building . . . "Look to your Redeemer in faith and loving trust, for power and wisdom to do the work of character building.  He sits as a refiner, to purify the gold and silver from all dross. Then look continually unto Him, and no cheap or worthless material will be brought into the structure of your character building." HP 19
1. God's Justice and Mercy
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2. God's Love, Forgiveness and Wrath2. God's Love, Forgiveness
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
3. By Beholdig
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
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ABOUT-- Mark Howard

Mark Howard is an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is the Director of the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism, a school that specializes in intensive practical soul-winning training programs for laypersons and ministers alike. He is also the pastor of the Cedar Lake Church in Cedar Lake, Michigan, where he currently lives with his wife Stephanie and their two children, Caleb and Annie. Pastor Howard, an American Christian Ministries Associate Speaker, is known for his clear, enthusiastic presentation style and for his practical, timely messages.


1. God’s Justice and Mercy

2. God’s Love, Forgiveness and Wrath

3. By Beholding…

Album of 3 Digitally Recorded CDs

DATE ADDED: September 29, 2015 TOPICS: Christian Growth SKU: MHO-13L
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