Miroslav Kis


"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Jer. 29:13
You will find Him as your Father, as Lord of Lords, and as your Savior through the thought-provoking and Spirit-filled presentations in this series. Your understanding of a "high and lifted up" God Who is seeking to be our Lord and Savior will strengthen your commitment to Him.

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ABOUT-- Miroslav Kis

Miroslav Kis, PhD, served as professor of Ethics and Chair of the Theology and Christian Philosophy Department at the SDA Theological Seminary. He is a native of Croatia and holds a PhD in Ethics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He has pastored in southern California as well as Quebec, where he also served as the conference youth director. Prior to his appointment at Andrews University, he taught at Canadian University College. He passed away in the spring of 2016.


1. The Face of the Father
When Jesus was teaching how to pray in Luke 11, he said to say, Our Father.  However, In this fatherless generation, the image of “Father” too often distorts the image of our heavenly Father. The absence of structure, discipline, and a Godly role model leaves many as fatherless orphans as well.  However, we know that our God never slumbers nor sleeps. He carries us in His heart, and it is His desire to be our Father in an intimate way.

2. The Face of the Lord
As King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He gives freedom of choice to the rebellious “Cains” as revealed in the Genesis 4 story. You will discover that our Lord has a love that is unshakable, but wrong choices bring consequences making it dangerous to have a wrong picture of Him. You will learn how His commands are not negotiable and discover the difference between “believing God” and “believing in God.”

3. The Face of the Savior
This series concludes with the speaker’s personal testimony of how God has significally revealed Himself in his life.  Learn as he shares his faith-testing experiences that show how God will become most real when He reveals Himself through the most difficult circumstances. 

DATE ADDED: December 07, 2017 TOPICS: No SKU: MK-3L
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