ABOUT Ron Halvorsen, Sr.
Ron Halvorsen, Sr.,was raised in Brooklyn, New York, where he experienced the pain and poverty associated with inner city life. God used his life experiences to bring him out of the city to become a beloved pastor and successful evangelist. His personal style of presenting Jesus sparkles as he presents the Word of God. In his retirement, he has continued to speak passionately about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, who called him in his youth from New York City gang leadership to leading souls to the kingdom for Him until he passed to his rest on May 15, 2015.
We have a work to do to resist temptation. Those who would not fall a prey to Satan's devices must guard well the avenues of the soul; they must avoid reading, seeing, or hearing that which will suggest impure thoughts.
"All heaven is watching to see how we are fighting the battle against temptation. Let all who profess the name of Christ so walk before the world that they may teach by example as well as precept the principles of true living." Te 191.3
ABOUT-- Ron Halvorsen, Sr.
Ron Halvorsen, Sr.,was raised in Brooklyn, New York, where he experienced the pain and poverty associated with inner city life. God used his life experiences to bring him out of the city to become a beloved pastor and successful evangelist. His personal style of presenting Jesus sparkles as he presents the Word of God. In his retirement, he has continued to speak passionately about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, who called him in his youth from New York City gang leadership to leading souls to the kingdom for Him until he passed to his rest on May 15, 2015.