Randy Skeete


Take time to think, to consider your ways, and to weigh your actions. In this series you will be challenged to deeper thinking as you experience fresh insights that will help prepare you for this world and the world to come.

"Under the divine influence of truth the mind will be strengthened, the intellect invigorated, and that which is useless will be discarded for that which is pure and beneficial. Under the influence of truth the Christian character will develop through the knowledge of the only true God." TMK 233

"Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift up our heart unto God in the heavens." Lamentations 3:40,41

1. Laughing Out Loud, LOL
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2. The Value of Dirt
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3. The Tsunami Warning
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4. Esau was a Seventh-day Adventist
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ABOUT-- Randy Skeete

Randy Skeete, a graduate of the Andrews University Theological Seminary and a powerful preacher of the Word, has memorized large portions of Scripture and is known for his soul-searching presentations. After his position as Counselor/Director of Medical School Programs at the University of Michigan, he served in the Campus Ministries Department of the Michigan Conference and also as associate speaker for American Christian Ministries. Randy is now fully self-supporting in his ministry, and is currently an international evangelist with most of his work done in Africa and Southeast Asia.


1. Laughing Out Loud, LOL
Consider the experience of Abraham and Sarah. Are we LOL at the possibility of overcoming our besetting sins? Why do we make God a liar when we doubt His word? Find answers to these questions and much more.

2. The Value of Dirt
Learn how God put His image in dirt–how a handful of dirt can become a divine character. Consider how Jesus took dirt on our behalf and then discover what can be possible through the power of the gospel.

3. A Tsunami Warning
Discover the power of influence–the good and the bad through the life of Barnabas. Consider wise counsel for decision making and how an action or choice can result in a tsunami that would sweep you away.

4. Esau Was a Seventh-day Adventist
What is the lesson for us to learn through Esau’s choice to give up his birthright? Is it possible to be looking through a secular and worldly lens and lose sight of the benefits of being an SDA? Warning: Do not despise God and His “birthright” provision for each one of us.

DATE ADDED: January 03, 2017 TOPICS: Bible Characters, Christian Lifestyle SKU: RS-21L
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