SENT FROM GOD – Why I Am a Seventh-day Adventist

Peter Neri


The key that unlocks the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844, is found in Daniel 8:14 and is proclaimed to be "The scripture which above all others has been both the foundation and the central pillar of the advent faith." GC409  This series, "Sent from God" presents a fresh look at the historical heritage of the Seventh-day Adventist church from its beginnings until today.

1. Men Sent From God
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2. An Answer Sent From God
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3. A Woman Sent From God
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4. A Time Sent From God
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5. The Trulth Sent From God
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6. Three Angels Sent From God
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ABOUT-- Peter Neri

Pastor Neri is currently Senior Pastor of the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. His passion is prayer, and he loves to teach people how to connect with Jesus in a real and personal way. As a convert to Adventism at the age of 26, he also loves to reaffirm the "pillars" and to show their validity for the day in which we are living and serves as an Associate Speaker for American Christian Ministries. Pastor Neri's family includes his lovely wife Jennie and their two sons, Roland and Samuel.


1. Man (Men) Sent from God
Worldwide, simultaneous messages proclaiming the imminent second advent is historically noted.  The spokesman in North America, William Miller was not alone in this great spiritual awakening that took place in the early 1800’s.  Find answers to:  Who are the men? Why wasn’t Great Britain the center of the messages? and Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist.?

2. An Answer Sent from God
Learn how God’s hand is shown to unlock the mystery of the message of 1844, “Unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”  Find answers to: What was the  mistake? Why did God allow the mistake to happen? What was the answer sent by God? Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?

3. A Woman Sent from God
Discover another link in the chain of God’s plan and find answers to: What appeared at the conclusion of every time prophecy? Does the Bible allow for modern-day prophets? How do we know that Ellen G. White was a biblical prophet? Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?

4. A Time Sent by God
The story of Rachel Oaks is another link to the conviction and belief of the early pioneers. Find answers to: When was the Sabbath instituted? Where did it go? Why is it important? Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?

5. The Truth Sent from God
The Second Angel’s message preached in 1844 was a strong warning against the wine of Babylon. Find answers to: What does the wine of Babylon mean? Where did the wine come from? What is the solution to the wine problem? Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?

6. Three Angels Sent from God
To understand and see the calling straight out of God’s word for His people, listen for the answers to these questions: When was the First Angel’s message preached? When was the Second Angel’s message preached? When was the Third Angel’s message preached? Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?

DATE ADDED: January 08, 2018 TOPICS: Adventist Heritage, Bible Prophecy, Second Advent SKU: PN-35L
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