Mark Finley


In this enlightening video, Mark Finley explores each line of this timeless prayer, unpacking its significance in our daily lives. Discover the transformative power of viewing God as our loving Father, the reverence we owe to His name, and the pivotal role of seeking His kingdom and living by His will. Learn how this prayer teaches us to rely on God daily, seek forgiveness, and find strength in times of trial through unwavering trust. Whether you're a longtime believer or new to the faith, this analysis will inspire and guide you toward a richer spiritual journey. 

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ABOUT-- Mark Finley

Former Director of "It Is Written" television program. A noted worldwide evangelist, he is also the former Director of Evangelism at the General Conference of SDA. He is currently serving in an advisory capacity for the General Conference President.




– 💡 God’s dual role as a loving Father and Sovereign emphasizes His immense love and power, inviting us to approach Him with trust and confidence.

– 💡 Honoring God’s name is not only about speaking words but also about living a life that reflects His character, seeking to honor Him in all thoughts, words, and actions.

– 💡 Praying for God’s kingdom to come involves a longing for His eternal kingdom, shifting our focus from worldly pursuits to eternal values.

– 💡 Forgiveness is not just a command but a reflection of our own understanding of God’s forgiveness towards us, leading to inner peace and freedom from bitterness.

– 💡 Daily reliance on God for sustenance, both physically and spiritually, teaches us to trust in His provision and seek spiritual nourishment from Him.

– 💡 Viewing temptations as opportunities for testing and growth shifts our perspective, allowing us to see challenges as ways to strengthen our faith and character.

– 💡 Recognizing God’s ultimate authority in the kingdom, power, and glory reminds us that all honor and praise belong to Him, guiding us to live in alignment with His will and purpose.

DATE ADDED: July 02, 2024 TOPICS: Jesus/Calvary, Sanctuary Studies SKU: MF-168L
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