J. William Lehman


"The signs of the times tell us that the end of all things is at hand. Prophecies fulfilled have become facts of history, clearly defining our position. We are standing upon the verge of the eternal world... TMK 346

1. The Seven Seals
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2. Trumpets and Thunders
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
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ABOUT-- J. William Lehman

A World War II pilot, he became a Christian after the war. He served as a missionary in Rwanda, Africa, and pastored numerous churches in North America including the Loma Linda University Campus Hill Church in Southern California. He also served as a revivalist and "pastor's pastor" in Canada. A powerful, Spirit-filled preacher, he retired in 1985 but continued speaking until his death in July, 2001. Pastor Lehman is now sleeping in Jesus, awaiting the resurrection.


1. Seven Seals
2. Trumpets and Thunders

2-CD Pak

DATE ADDED: July 18, 2016 TOPICS: Bible Prophecy, Books of the Bible Studies, Classic Collection, End Times SKU: WL-2L
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