ROMANS – God’s Revelation of Righteousness

C. Raymond Holmes


Why study the book of Romans? No other portion of the Bible has had such a powerful widespread influence upon the Christian church in the understanding of the gospel of grace--to understand the reasons and promise of the reformation, and to understand the focus on Christ our Righteousness.  
The theme of the letter is Paul's passion with righteousness, what it is, how to get it, and how to live it.  Paul begins the letter with doctrine and truth and ends showing that the correct understanding of the gospel is demonstrated by correct lifestyle.

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ABOUT-- C. Raymond Holmes

C. Raymond Holmes, BA, MDiv, Mth, Dmin is a graduate of Northern Michigan University, the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and Andrews University. After serving 10 years as a Lutheran Minister, he converted to Seventh-day Adventism in 1971 and has served the church as pastor, missionary, seminary professor, and author. Among his books are "Stranger in My Home, Baptized But Buried Alive, Sing A New Song, The Last Word, The Tip of the Iceberg." He was one of the founders of Adventist Affirm and the Adventist Theological Society, and served on the editorial board of the Journal of the Adventist Theological Society. His wife, Shirley, preceded him in death in January, 2022, and In his retirement, he continues to serve the Michigan Conference as senior pastor of Christ Community church of Seventh-day Adventists in Bessemer, Michigan.


Seminar Session 1:  Introduction and Overview 

Seminar Session 2: God’s Righteous Judgment

Seminar Session 3: God’s Faithfulness

Seminar Session 4: Righteousness Through Faith

Seminar Session 5: Peace and Joy


DATE ADDED: February 14, 2014 TOPICS: Books of the Bible Studies, Righteousness by Faith SKU: CRH-6L
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