Ron Clouzet


Decoding prophecy has been a centuries-long challenge for biblical scholars. Based on prophecy, you will learn which signs apply to the end and which are mere speculation. Knowing Bible prophecy will give you a hope and peace about the unknown future.

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ABOUT-- Ron Clouzet

Ron E.M. Clouzet, D.Min., Th.D.,has served as a pastor, as a professor of theology and also as director of the NAD Evangelism Institute. Most recently he was elected Ministerial Assn. Secretary for the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. Dr. Clouzet has traveled to over 50 countries in six continents preaching, teaching and lifting up Jesus, the Master Teacher and is known for having led thousands of souls to baptism.. He and his wife, Dr. Lisa Clouzet, have three adult children.


1. A New Super Power
2. Signs of the End of the World
3. Armageddon and the Seven Last Plagues
4. War in Heaven Between Michael and the Dragon
5. Revelation’s Three Angels’ Messages
6. The Lamb slain and the Seven Seals
7. A New Revelation of Jesus Christ
8. The Anti-Christ and the Cults That Follow Him
9. In Search of the Ark of the Covenant
10. The Greatest Issue in the Book of Revelation – Part I
11. The Greatest Issue in the Book of Revelation – Part II
12. How to Keep God’s Holy Day
13. How to Live Longer and Better
14. Taking a Stand at the time of the End
15. The Longest Time Prophecy in the Bible
16. Doctrines of Demons and the Mystery of Death
17. The Fall of Babylon the Great
18. The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God
19. Israel and the Rapture of the Church
20. The United States in Bible Prophecy
21. The Beauty and the Beast of Revelation
22. The Remnant’s use of Time, Treasure and Talent
23. The One-Thousand-Year Millennium
24. Revelation’s Lake of Fire
25. Heaven and the Apocalypse
26. A Messenger for the Last Days
27. Christian Standards for Today
28. The Work of the Holy Spirit in Your Life


DATE ADDED: February 14, 2014 TOPICS: Bible Prophecy, Christian Beliefs, Doctrines, End Times, Evangelism SKU: PD-1L
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