Randy Skeete


Things of this world or things of God? In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it is easy to lose track of our God-given, distinct purpose in the world in these days. This series is intended to refocus God's end-time people so that their unique mission becomes their priority.

ACM's 44th Anniversary Special Presentation!

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ABOUT-- Randy Skeete

Randy Skeete, a graduate of the Andrews University Theological Seminary and a powerful preacher of the Word, has memorized large portions of Scripture and is known for his soul-searching presentations. After his position as Counselor/Director of Medical School Programs at the University of Michigan, he served in the Campus Ministries Department of the Michigan Conference and also as associate speaker for American Christian Ministries. Randy is now fully self-supporting in his ministry, and is currently an international evangelist with most of his work done in Africa and Southeast Asia.


1. The People
As surely as God had a distinct people in the Old Testament, He most surely has a distinct people today.

2. The Message
Every age has its present truth emphasis, designed to warn the world and to energize and fortify God’s people. Failure to sound that unique “battle cry” is to betray a very sacred trust.

3. The Enemy
Since the entrance of sin, every work of God has met with energetic opposition from Satan. It is only by being centered in Christ and His truth that victory over the enemy is possible.

4. The Power
Since “All His biddings are enablings”, the people of God may work with the confidence that what they are called to do they are divinely empowered to do. This power is the very presence of God in the person of the Holy Spirit.

DATE ADDED: October 01, 2018 TOPICS: No SKU: RS-32L
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