Jorge Baute


The final moments of earth's history can be compared to the final week of Christ's life. Jesus was no stranger to conflict. He was a marked man and every weapon of hell was aimed at Him. If we, as His followers, experience intensifying conflict, whether it be at work, in the home, or in the church, it means we are on the right track. 

Christian living is where the rubber meets the road, and this series will help prepare us for His soon return and also to be a better witness for Him.

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ABOUT-- Jorge Baute

Jorge Baute received his Masters in Religious Studies from Southern Adventist University. He is currently the pastor of Fairview Village SDA church in North Carolina and is an associate speaker for American Christian Ministries. His ministry has included serving as Bible instructor at Enterprise Academy in Kansas and at Ouachita Hills Academy in Arkansas, also as director of young adult ministries in North Carolina. Pastor Baute is known for helping to prepare others for the kingdom through his faithful witness for the Lord. He and his wife, Sue Ellen, are the parents of two children, Joshua and Sara.


1. Days of Conflict
Conflict is unavoidable but how to respond is optional. Discover four steps found in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy that will guide your response to the conflicts in your life.

2. Forest Fires
Why a study on gossip?  Learn who is the originator of gossip, and who is ready to be our personal gossip postman. The biblical strategies found in this presentation will help the gossiper to overcome in a culture that thrives upon it. 

3. Bridge Building
How does God want us to respond when we’ve been treated unjustly? What forgiveness is and what it is not. Consider Jesus’ parable of Matthew 18:21 about forgiveness which is also a principle in the judgment. Learn how forgiveness involves release, a bridge, and even a gift.


DATE ADDED: November 12, 2017 TOPICS: No SKU: JBA-6L
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