Randy Skeete


Two kingdoms, two rulers, two constitutions and two sets of subjects. In this heart to heart series, learn more about the kingdoms, its rulers, its constitution, and its future. Discover who you are serving and whether your passport of life has restrictions or freedom or a future. The God of love has given us the power of choice with the power to transfer if you belong to the wrong kingdom. Listen and learn of the One who is the WAY to “The Kingdom of God.” 

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ABOUT-- Randy Skeete

Randy Skeete, a graduate of the Andrews University Theological Seminary and a powerful preacher of the Word, has memorized large portions of Scripture and is known for his soul-searching presentations. After his position as Counselor/Director of Medical School Programs at the University of Michigan, he served in the Campus Ministries Department of the Michigan Conference and also as associate speaker for American Christian Ministries. Randy is now fully self-supporting in his ministry, and is currently an international evangelist with most of his work done in Africa and Southeast Asia.


1. Who Issued Your Passport?

2. The Greatest Sermon in Defense of the Law of God

3. The Heart of God

4. How to Overcome Temptation

5. Who Is Your God?

6. Numb and Dumb

7. The Great Exchange

DATE ADDED: August 02, 2021 TOPICS: No SKU: RS-43L
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