Larry Lichtenwalter


"In this life we must meet fiery trials and make costly sacrifices, but the peace of Christ is the reward. There has been so little self-denial, so little suffering for Christ's sake, that the cross is almost entirely forgotten. We must be partakers with Christ of His sufferings if we would sit down in triumph with Him on His throne. So long as we choose the easy path of self-indulgence and are frightened at self-denial, our faith will never become firm, and we cannot know the peace of Jesus nor the joy that comes through conscious victory."  5T 215

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ABOUT-- Larry Lichtenwalter

Larry Lichtenwalter, Ph.D. served as Dean of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon and was recently appointed president of the university. His passion for souls and his memorization of Scripture is demonstrated in his speaking and in his books: Well-Driven Nails; Out of the Pit: Joseph's Story and Yours; Behind the Seen: God's Hand in Esther's Life and Yours; Wrestling with Angels: In the Grip of Jacob's God; and David: A Heart Like His, The Shepherd Years.


1. Questions I’d Ask Before Following Jesus
What does it really mean to deny self and take up Jesus’ cross? Where must I deny self?  How much must I deny self? Is following Him a plan or a person, rules or a relationship? More importantly, how did Jesus view the cross? Find answers and so much more in this presentation.

2. The Word “Me” in His Call to Follow Me
The first disciples of Jesus had active careers. Their impulsive obedience and immediate, unreserved response to the call are Scriptural examples showing what it really means to have the call of Jesus resonating in the heart.  Discover the importance of the little word “Me” when hearing the compelling call of Jesus?

3. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
Are there “logs” in your life’s trail causing a fall or stumbling–possibly morally or spiritually?  Or is there something that is hard to tolerate? What happens when our personal goals and interests conflict with a continuing, abiding discipleship?This presentation is a reminder of the privilege of a long obedience as a faithful servant of Christ our Lord.

4. Can You Swallow This one?
There are even more questions to be answered to be sure He is Lord of our lives.  What about swallowing pride? What does it mean to eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood? And the ultimate question:  What could be more important than receiving the Gospel into your life–for Jesus to be your All in All! 

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DATE ADDED: July 23, 2015 TOPICS: Jesus/Calvary SKU: LL-31L
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