Larry Lichtenwalter


"The Language of the soul should be that of joy and gratitude. If any have dark chapters in their experience let them bury them. Let this history not be kept bright by repetition...Cultivate only those thoughts and those feelings which will produce gratitude and praise. (HP 36.4)

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ABOUT-- Larry Lichtenwalter

Larry Lichtenwalter, Ph.D. served as Dean of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon and was recently appointed president of the university. His passion for souls and his memorization of Scripture is demonstrated in his speaking and in his books: Well-Driven Nails; Out of the Pit: Joseph's Story and Yours; Behind the Seen: God's Hand in Esther's Life and Yours; Wrestling with Angels: In the Grip of Jacob's God; and David: A Heart Like His, The Shepherd Years.


DATE ADDED: August 25, 2015 TOPICS: God’s Compassion/Mercy SKU: LL-195L
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