Eric Walsh


A study on the importance of faith and trust in God, addressing doubt, and the power of prayer and fasting in overcoming challenges.

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ABOUT-- Eric Walsh

Dr. Eric Walsh completed his Masters and Doctorate degrees in Public Health at Loma Linda University School of Public Health in addition to his medical degree in family medicine from the Miami Miller School of Medicine. As a highly sought-after speaker, he has had the privilege to lecture and preach all over the world. Most importantly, Dr. Walsh seeks to continue to serve the Lord through his preaching and healing ministries. As a servant of the most high God, he finds great joy as a stalwart soldier for truth where no sacrifice is too great.



– 💡Doubt can hinder one’s relationship with God, but acknowledging and bringing doubt to Jesus can lead to growth in faith.

– 💡External influences like media, music, and drugs can impact one’s faith and mental health, highlighting the need for vigilance in spiritual practices.

– 💡Marijuana and other substances can affect faith, motivation, and overall well-being, underscoring the importance of making wise choices in consumption.

– 💡Surrendering control to Jesus is crucial for spiritual growth and transformation, allowing him to guide and lead one’s life.

– 💡Prayer and fasting are powerful tools in strengthening faith and overcoming challenges, emphasizing the significance of spiritual disciplines in times of need.

– 💡Jesus’ healing power is accessible to those who approach him with faith and trust, demonstrating his ability to bring restoration and renewal.


DATE ADDED: June 25, 2024 TOPICS: No SKU: EW-104L
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