Ron Halvorsen Sr.


"He who called the fisherman of Galilee is still calling men to His service. And He is just as willing to manifest His power through us as through the first disciples. However imperfect and sinful we may be, the Lord holds out to us the offer of partnership with Himself, of apprenticeship to Christ. He invites us to come under the
1. The Upside Dowm, Right Side Up World (Peter)
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2. The Militants (James & John)
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3. The Man From the I.R.S. (Matthew)
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4. Judas' Hanging (Judas Iscariot)
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5. How to Handle Doubt (Thomas)
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6. Living in the Shadow (Andrew)
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7. The Seer of Patmos (John)
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ABOUT-- Ron Halvorsen, Sr.

Ron Halvorsen, Sr.,was raised in Brooklyn, New York, where he experienced the pain and poverty associated with inner city life. God used his life experiences to bring him out of the city to become a beloved pastor and successful evangelist. His personal style of presenting Jesus sparkles as he presents the Word of God. In his retirement, he has continued to speak passionately about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, who called him in his youth from New York City gang leadership to leading souls to the kingdom for Him until he passed to his rest on May 15, 2015.


1. The Upside Down, Right Side Up World (Peter)

By going back to the past we can recognize providence for the present with insights into our own character. Discover the special meaning for our lives today through Peter’s calling, his cowardice, his conversion, and even his crucifixion.

2. The Militants (James & John)
Discover what kind of disciples are called of Jesus. When Jesus wants to explode the world, He uses explosive people. Listen to the experiences of the Sons of Thunder and learn how God’s “fire” consumed hatred and rebellion with His love. Then look for the miracle of conversion in your own life.

3. The Man from the IRS (Matthew)
Matthew–the man hated of all men as a tax collector, yet called of Christ. “Before Christ” he was a Jewish traitor and a Roman bondsman–a hated and selfish man who was living for “money.” What about the selfishness and greed in our own lives? Discover what happened after his divine encounter with Jesus, and learn about the “After Christ” in Matthew’s life.

4. Judas’ Hanging (Judas Iscariot)
Judas and you?–drawn to Christ for material benefits? What “cheap” things do we betray Christ for? Consider how the enemy tempts us with instant gratification, the gold and the glitter–all without thoughts of self-denial.

5. How to Handle Doubt (Thomas)
At a time when the very existence of God is denied, how can faith be found in a faithless chaotic world? Are there too many questions begging to be answered? There is much to learn from the experience of the “Doubting Thomas.”

6. Living in the Shadow (Andrew)
You will be introduced to him as: The first to be a follower, then as an evangelist, then as a social worker, and then as a foreign missionary. Discover from Andrew’s life how to become a follower of Christ, but more importantly how to be a true disciple of the Lord.

7. The Seer of Patmos (John)
The story of “How to Grow Old Gracefully.” Discover why it is important to remember the past, then how to move into the present, and also how to see with young eyes to the future. John’s example will show us how.


DATE ADDED: February 14, 2014 TOPICS: Bible Characters, Christian Growth SKU: RH-5L
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