David Shin


Filtering, Resisting, and Replacing--
All necessary actions to take to experience victory in the battle with your thoughts. Heed the call to fill your mind with God's Word and learn how to use Scripture promises to keep your thoughts and feelings pure--a character that is heavenbound.

1. Consider My Meditation - Part I
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2. Consider My Meditation - Part II
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ABOUT-- David Shin

David Shin, PhD, a graduate of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, and the former President of Ouachita Hills College in Arkansas is currently a Professor of Religion at Weimar University in California. He has also pastored in Lansing, Michigan, and Anchorage, Alaska. His love for sharing the gospel is shown through his practical insights into biblical beliefs and principles through his practical insights that are essential for the times in which we live.


Consider My Meditation – Parts I and II

DATE ADDED: March 31, 2020 TOPICS: No SKU: DS-17L
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