BREATH OF LIFE III – Answers to Your Questions

C.D. Brooks


Crystal clear Bible answers to hundreds of tough questions asked during the Crusade.  You'll hear answers to hundreds of questions to which you have always wanted answers, but never had an opportunity to ask.  You will also learn how to use your Bible to make disciples.

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ABOUT-- C.D. Brooks

A well-known evangelist and speaker for Breath of Life TV program until his recent retirement. He brings to his presentations the experience gained in over 55 years of active ministry as an evangelist, administrator, and minister of the gospel. Pastor Brooks passed to his rest on June 5, 2016.


These question and answer CDs are an integral part of the Breath of Life Crusade III. Each evening for 28 evenings there was a question and answer period. Questions were written by the attendees and presented by a pastor on the platform who read them over the PA system for all to hear.  Questions include these and many more!
Is the wine in the Bible fermented? What does the Bible tell us about the Secret Rapture? Is it possible to have too much religion? Is the money the root of all evil?  Why did God send the Devil to our earth? Why are there so many denominations? Do people’s dreams have meaning? Are UFO’s real? Do we only die when our time has come? What about once saved, always saved? Is the Old Testament for the Jews only? What does the Bible say about abortion? What does being a Christian mean to you, Pastor Brooks? What about the doctrine of Jesus only?  How can we believe what we have not seen? Does the Bible address the gay lifestyle? Will we know our family members in heaven? Why are answers to prayers delayed? What does God think of inter-racial relationships? How many times should I forgive? What does the Bible say about Christian Rock music?What does the Bible say about cremation? Where was Satan when this world was created? Is it possible to be a Christian without belonging to a church? 

To get the full impact of this Crusade, these CDs are a must.


DATE ADDED: May 22, 2015 TOPICS: No SKU: BL-6L
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