Larry Lichtenwalter


A study of spirituality and the masterful modern-day deception!

For God Who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as to beam forth the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God as it is manifest in the person and is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Cor. 4:6
Lord, show us your face....

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ABOUT-- Larry Lichtenwalter

Larry Lichtenwalter, Ph.D. served as Dean of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon and was recently appointed president of the university. His passion for souls and his memorization of Scripture is demonstrated in his speaking and in his books: Well-Driven Nails; Out of the Pit: Joseph's Story and Yours; Behind the Seen: God's Hand in Esther's Life and Yours; Wrestling with Angels: In the Grip of Jacob's God; and David: A Heart Like His, The Shepherd Years.


1. Down-to-Earth Spirituality
Discover how modern so-called “Christian” spirituality bypasses the Scriptures and even Jesus Christ. Their is a restlessness of wanting an “experience” to fill the emptiness and craving for something more, something beyond. An understanding of the difference between “Christian” spirituality and biblical spirituality is our only safeguard from this modern-day deception.

2. Skinning the Soul
A basic understanding: Biblical spirituality is linked to our body and mind–not to something outside our body. Discover the heart of biblical spirituality. Learn how all of life has spiritual dimensions and how God engages us intimately in every aspect of our being.

3. ipod (I Think), Therefore, I Am
We are thinking beings. Even though thinking is the basis for human experience, the experiential hunger haunts people in today’s world. Belief is not enough. Learn how to legitimately connect with the thoughts of God in your mind and experience the renewing of your mind–rather than minimizing the mind by shutting down the thought process in contemporary spirituality.

4. Life in a New Language
Scripture is the “text” of spirituality through words–words and their power become the voice of God. When you want to communicate with or connect with God, where do you go? Discover how intentional openness applies to biblical spirituality?

5. In the Face of Christ
Christ’s incarnation is the biblical foundation for spirituality. When we look at the face of Jesus, Who do we see? How does one behold and see the face of Christ, the unseen Christ? Opening ourselves to Scripture, there we find Jesus and the Father. The spiritual experience that Jesus longs for us to have is not found through an influence of “another spirit” or modern-day spirituality.

6. Living Under the Cross
What is the “bottom line” when modern forms of spirituality bypass the mind, the body, the Scriptures, and even Christ and the need of salvation? While the god of this world (Satan) blinds minds to the discernment of truth, let us “mine” the truths that surround biblical spirituality and the reality of our need to connect with the God of the cross.

7. High-Voltage Spirituality
How can the promise of high voltage spirituality–even quantim spirituality become a reality in your life? Learn how to be “open-faced” before God and discover how to seek after Him actively through habits and disciplines that will result in radical transformation and Christlikeness.


DATE ADDED: June 17, 2014 TOPICS: Issues and Answers SKU: LL-17L
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