1. The Spiritual Foundation of Your Ark
Just as Noah built the ark under God’s direction for his only safety from the storm that was prophesied, so we must build our ark with a solid spiritual foundation. Â This crucial foundation is the same for all regardless of accomplishments, of education or of heritage. In this presentation you will discover that it is not complicated, but many are in rebellion while trying to build their own way rather than God’s way.
2. The Physical Body of Your Ark
In the storms of life, where are you physically–where is your presence? If you are building your ark, you must be on guard. Â Are you separating yourself from prevailing wickedness and worldliness? Consider what you are seeing, what you are hearing, what you are touching that is earthly and not spiritual? Â Consider the experience of Lot and his destiny.
3. The Practice of the Physical Body
The only way of safety is the ark that is built on the preparation for Christ’s coming. Both Noah and John the Baptist called for repentance, revival, and reformation. Learn lessons of temperance and self-control, and consider the lifetsyle practice of simplicity vs. extravagance. What does it mean to accept the calling to be a John the Baptist in our day?
4. The Mental State of Your Ark
Consider that Noah’s ark was built without a rudder or a wheelhouse–the ark was under the complete control of God. Learn how God wants to work through the avenue of our minds. Discover what this means for us today as we live in the anti-typical Day of Atonement. Â
5. The Social Practice of Your Ark
 While Noah was giving his warning message, his works testified to his sincerity and he gave the world the example of believing what God says. Our actions tell in the society in which we live today. Pressure to give in to cultural practices today and compromise will ruin our witness. God’s sociability is His promise of His longsuffering toward us that none should perish.
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