Jay Gallimore


See our day in the light of Bible Prophecy. This study focuses on the 7 Trumpets of Revelation and, in particular, the 6thTrumpet.  You will see how the Trumpets predicted the rise of Islam, the Reformation, the Remnant and Atheism. Learn how those powerful forces are even now playing unprecedented roles in the end of time. The relationship of the 7 Trumpets to Daniel 11 and the King of the North and the King of the South will be also be referenced.

1. 7 Trumpets and the role of Islam - Part I
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2. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam - Part II
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3. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam - Part III
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4. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam - Part IV
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5. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam - Part V
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ABOUT-- Jay Gallimore

Pastor Gallimore has served as president of the Michigan Conference since November, 1990, until his retirement in January, 2018. He has also served as Conference Secretary and Ministerial Director of the Michigan Conference; Director of the Northwest Ministries Training Center for the North Pacific Union Conference, Associate Ministerial Director in the Kansas-Nebraska Conference; and as a pastor in both Kansas-Nebraska and the Carolina Conference. He is known for his insightful and timely spirit-led presentations.


1. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam – Part I
You will be introduced to some unique basics found in a study of the relationship of the heavenly sanctuary with the book of Revelation. This is the setting and the foundation for the prophetic study of the 7 Trumpets. 

2. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam – Part II
A continued study of the relationship for the heavenly sanctuary with the book of Revelation. This is the setting and the foundatio for the prophetic study of the 7 Trumpets. 

3. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam – Part III
You will learn that the 7 trumpets covers the history from the cross to the second coming.  This study of Revelation 8 discusses the historical aspects of the first four trumpets and the demise of imperial Rome. The three woes then introduces the fifth trumpet of Revelation 9, and attention is given to the historical beginnings of the Muslim religious power. Learn how God withdraws His protective hand when apostasy is rampant. 

4. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam – Part IV
A study of the prophecies found in the “woes”–more specifically the fifth and sixth trumpet. In this era, the crusades including the Children’s crusade took place between mortal enemies of the Muslims.  The origin of the Ottoman empire and the unstoppable Protestant reformation is also discussed. Discover the spiritual implications found in this study.

5. 7 Trumpets and the Role of Islam – Part V
The final discussion of the transitional 6th trumpet in the “Great Awakening” era and the reformation now moves into Revelation 11 with attention given to the heavenly sanctuary.  The 6th trumpet, the 6th seal, and the 6th Church of Revelation transition from the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place is noted–a most solemn time.  Learn what it means to be living in the 7th Trumpet as it climaxes the history of this world with loud voices culminating in the second coming. Hallelujah!

DATE ADDED: January 19, 2017 TOPICS: Bible Prophecy, End Times SKU: JG-5L
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