At this time in earth’s history when every wind of doctrine is blowing and many voices are being heard, there is much confusion and distrust. Therefore, we believe it is necessary to clearly state the mission of this ministry. American Christian Ministries (ACM) is a legitimate 501c-3 non-profit corporation approved by the IRS.

American Christian Ministries is an International Revival Ministry helping to prepare a people for the soon coming of Jesus. The ACM archive dating back to 1975, is known as a primary source of Bible-based presentations as well as books by many well-known speakers for the reproduction and promotion of their resources.

The stated mission of this revival ministry is as follows:

1. To uplift Jesus Christ in faithfulness to His Word and the Spirit of Prophecy.

2. To meet the needs of those who are hungering and thirsting for the genuine and distinct messages of the remnant church.

3. To present a balance of justification and sanctification, thus avoiding the extremes of legalism, cheap grace, or absolute perfectionism.

4. To offer spirit-filled messages on practical godliness to help prepare a people for the final events of earth’s history and the second coming of our Lord.

5. To promote cutting-edge resources that will strengthen one’s faith in the battle against the enemy and his end-time deceptions – without sensationalism or speculation.

6. To consider the Seventh-day Adventist church as the called-of-God remnant; therefore encouraging the commitment of time, talent, and tithe to God’s church. (ACM does not accept or solicit tithe.)

Inspired testimony indicates that the work of God on this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers. We will continue our commitment to active participation in this joint mission.

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