Wes Peppers


"Perilous times are before us. Every one who has a knowledge of the truth should awake . . . The warnings that have been given, line upon line, precept upon precept, should be heeded. If we disregard them, what excuse can we offer?" GW 308.1

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ABOUT-- Wes Peppers

Wes Peppers currently serves as Associate Ministerial Director for the Michigan Conference. He became a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian at the age of 22 after being an atheist/agnostic for several years. Soon after accepting Christ, quiting college football and a life of reckless living, he entered into full-time pastoral ministry and served as the Global AFCOE Coordinator at Amazing Facts. A recent cancer survivor at age 28, he has a powerful testimony of God's goodness and a renewed passion for His message with a desire to inspire, both young and old, to a deeper, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.


1. Adventist Culture or Adventist Faith?
2. The Adventist Atheist
3. When Righteousness Becomes Sin
4. A Love That Deceives
5. Black Magic and Resurrection Power
6. The Two Witnesses of the Two Witnesses
7. The Peril of Novelty
8. Faithful and Fruitful
DATE ADDED: May 09, 2018 TOPICS: End Times SKU: WP-1L
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