David J. DeRose


Practical life-changing health insights as found in the account of the life and teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Dr. DeRose reveals insights into physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well as health principles that are uniquely embedded in this book. Together, the eight presentations in this series cover the entire Gospel of Mark.
This is the original recording of Dr. DeRose's series designed to acquaint friends made through health ministry with Bible principles as revealed in the gospels. An updated version is available on DVD for use at prayer meetings and other community venues. www.compasshealth.net

1. Healing Insights... Part I
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2. Healing Insights... Part II
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3. Healing Insights... Part III
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4. Healing Insights... Part IV
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5. Healing Insights... Part V
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6. Healing Insights... Part VI
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7. Healing Insights... Part VII
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
8. Healing Insights... Part VIII
0% buffered00:00Current time00:00Duration00:00
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ABOUT-- David J. DeRose

David DeRose, MD, MPH, MAPMin, currently serves as pastor of the Fort Wayne First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and director of CompassHealth Consulting, Inc. In addition to pastoral training, Dr. DeRose is a certified Internal Medicine and Preventative Medicine physician including a degree in Public Health with a Health Promotion and Health Education emphasis. Known for his ability to communicate complex subjects to the lay public, Dr. DeRose has helped thousands improve their physical and spiritual health through seminars, workshops, and publications including his latest release, "The Methuselah Factor."


Healing Insights from the Gospel of Mark Parts I – VIII

DATE ADDED: July 14, 2017 TOPICS: Books of the Bible Studies, Health, RECENT RELEASES SKU: DDE-4L
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