Lewis Walton


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"In the closing work we shall meet with perils that we know not how to deal with; but let us not forget that the three great powers of heaven are working, that a divine hand is on the wheel, and that God will bring His purposes to pass. He will gather from the world a people who will serve Him in righteousness." 2SM 391
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ABOUT-- Lewis Walton

Dr. Lewis Walton received his Juris Doctor Degree, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of San Diego. He is a member of the California Bar Association and has been admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court.He also has a Post-Doctoral diplomate in tax law. Dr. Walton has authored best-selling books including OMEGA II, THE LUCIFER'S DIARY, FINAL STORM, and MORNINGS TRUMPET. He is a Vietnam veteran where he served as an intelligence officer.


1. Adventism in the 21st Century:
Where We’ve Been

What was the message proclaimed in the 1840’s by a group of teenagers, and is their dream still relevant? The dream included the hope of the imminent return of Jesus–then the discovery that before Jesus returns, something has to happen in heaven. How does this relate to God’s last-day message for our messed-up world?

2-3. Adventism in the 21st Century:
Where We’re Headed – Parts I & II

The analysis of the political and economic events in the world in which we live today poses the question: What is going to happen next? Are we are on the brink of? It has been prophesied Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. 9T11 This presentation includes a description of some of these great changes–issues relating to taxation, inflation and anarchy, societal issues, resulting in the resurgence of a religious right, and more. Learn what really matters in this scenario.

4. Adventism in the 21st Century:
Do we still Have Anything to Say?

Is it our goal to get off this earth? If so, what is our task? What are the end-time warnings found in Revelation 18 that we are commissioned to proclaim in this Post-Christian era? Discover how a world-wide, global religion fits in the devil’s final plans. Learn what God asks of us in these times and how He will provide when we place our all (ourselves and everything we own) on the altar.

DATE ADDED: February 18, 2014 TOPICS: Adventist Heritage, End Times SKU: LW-40L
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