Larry Lichtenwalter


Divine Wisdom for Balanced Living.

Experience a new realization of God's presence as you take a journey into God's five wisdom books beginning with Ecclesiastes. Discover the meaning of life and the recovery of inner joy.

Journey through a study of the crisis of Job and his suffering and trials; understand how this impacted his character. Find wisdom to face difficult times in Proverbs and wisdom to balance the innermost need for intimacy in relationships in the Song of Solomon.

Discover that without the nurture of piety as found in Psalms, the character will be in crisis. Prepare for the "surprise" in the wisdom of Daniel that even in a world without absolutes, there is an anchor that produces steadfastness--the key to balanced living, the recovery of joy and the purpose for living.

1. Been There, Done That, Now What?
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2. For Nothing? When Silence is the Voice
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3. Two Women, One Road
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4. Passion as Fierce as the Grave
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5. Don't Forget to Breathe
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6. Radiant 'Til the End
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ABOUT-- Larry Lichtenwalter

Larry Lichtenwalter, Ph.D. served as Dean of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon and was recently appointed president of the university. His passion for souls and his memorization of Scripture is demonstrated in his speaking and in his books: Well-Driven Nails; Out of the Pit: Joseph's Story and Yours; Behind the Seen: God's Hand in Esther's Life and Yours; Wrestling with Angels: In the Grip of Jacob's God; and David: A Heart Like His, The Shepherd Years.


1. Been There, Done That, Now What?
The heart of Ecclesiastes is the recovering of joy and the purpose of meaning–how biblical wisdom points us to a recovery of joy in a living relationship with God as the center of our lives.

2. For Nothing? When Silence is the Voice
Nothing has the capacity to destroy character like difficulties and trials, unexpected obstacles and pressures along the journey of our life. But biblical wisdom in the book of Job points to the reality of God’s continued presence even in the midst of great sorrow, great pain, and great disappointment. Learn how the wise person will know of God’s presence even though it doesn’t feel like God is there.

3. Two Women, One Road
Learn what it means to recover holiness and to recover who we are deep down inside. Proverbs explores our relationship to God and patterns of life that He has given to us as created beings.

4. Passion as Fierce as the Grave
In the book of Song of Solomon, focus on interpersonal relationships, male and female in particular, and the whole question of intimacy. A powerful book about wisdom, the meaning and purpose of life.

5. Don’t Forget to Breath!
As we journey into the book of Psalms, the broad picture has to do with piety–how to approach God and what God is like. Learn how distorted ways of denying the existence of God impacts our inner moral life.

6. Radiant ‘Til the End
You will be surprised to find the book of Daniel in a discussion of wisdom literature, but it’s found there among the Hebrew Scriptures. You will also be surprised as we approach the book of Daniel from the standpoint of wisdom, that we will find God’s call for us to recover steadfastness–a moral trait within our human lives in spite of a time of fluidity without the anchor of absolutes.


DATE ADDED: June 17, 2014 TOPICS: Books of the Bible Studies, Grace SKU: LL-22L
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